How to Start A Business

Start A Business

Why are so many people afraid to take the leap into entrepreneurship? Because we have been taught to fear failure. I’ll tell you right now, don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid to never have lived.

Parenting Survival Guide

Becoming a Mompreneur

As though it isn’t already difficult to find a balance between mom life and work life, you’ve decided to throw another spinning plate onto the pile. Why not? You’ve made it this far, might as well keep marching on. So let’s /get to it, how to start a business

Audiobooks by Momma T

Won’t Say A Word: Woman Unleashed

We slipped into the restroom and his tongue finished the job that his fingers had started. That is, until some red headed chick walked in on us. She was quiet at first, probably shocked by what she saw. I wasn’t going to stop him, in fact I didn’t stop him. She could watch, I didn’t care, I never walked away from a good thing and his tongue was a good damn thing.

Parenting Survival Guide

Getting Your Child To Eat Veggies

If all else fails go for the nuclear plan and hide them. Hide vegetables in EVERYTHING. I put pureed vegetables in spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, bread recipes, fruit purees (really vegetable purees with a dash of fruit), ice cream, shoot, if I make it, you can be sure that vegetables are in there somewhere.

Military Parenting Parenting

Finding Childcare / Preparing To Deploy: Part III

Childcare options are a nanny, commercial daycare, at-home daycare, the occasional babysitter (either family member, friend, kid down the street, etc.), the list goes on. Until my daughter began daycare, I would have told you that a Nanny or au pair was the best option for my child, now I’m not so sure. Let’s explore these options together.

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