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Parenting Survival Guide

Becoming a Mompreneur

As though it isn’t already difficult to find a balance between mom life and work life, you’ve decided to throw another spinning plate onto the pile. Why not? You’ve made it this far, might as well keep marching on. So let’s /get to it, how to start a business

Parenting Survival Guide

Getting Your Child To Eat Veggies

If all else fails go for the nuclear plan and hide them. Hide vegetables in EVERYTHING. I put pureed vegetables in spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, bread recipes, fruit purees (really vegetable purees with a dash of fruit), ice cream, shoot, if I make it, you can be sure that vegetables are in there somewhere.

Christmas deployed
Survival Guide

I’m Not Dreaming of A Deployed Christmas

So all and all, maybe I didn’t dream of a deployed Christmas, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be one I’d find in a dream. Thank you for coming to bring us Christmas cheer while we were on deployment @honeycounty @Redskins @BillyHurley3 @HearnDavid @krisblanks @shaunmicheelpga @KyleThompsonPGA

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